SCARPA Returns/Exchanges
Wrong size? Don’t like the color? Just return your product in new, unused condition within 30 days!
If you need a different size, please just reorder via the site and we’ll credit you when we’ve received and processed your return.
To return product, include a completed Return Authorization form, and if you live in the lower 48, simply use the return shipping label that came with your order.
Please use a shipping box to avoid any unnecessary re-packaging fees and use a trackable shipping service to ensure your package makes it to us. Fed Ex or UPS are recommended.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for receiving and processing of U.S. returns. Please allow 3-4 weeks for receiving and processing of Canadian returns.
We’ll email you a Return Confirmation when it’s been received here at SCARPA. You can always check your order status by logging into your account at the top navigation bar above for specifics on your order/return, as well.

Pro & EP Return/Exchange
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have updated our Pro and EP return policy.
We are now accepting Pro and EP returns for products purchased online!
Just return your product in new, unused condition within 30 days.
If you need a different size, please just reorder via the site and we’ll credit you when we have received and processed your return.
Returns will be charged a small, 5% restocking fee. Please use a shipping box to avoid any unnecessary re-packaging fees and use a trackable shipping service to ensure your package makes it to us. Fed Ex or UPS are recommended.
If you are in Canada, please reach out to our team at for details.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for receiving and processing of U.S. returns. Please allow 3-4 weeks for receiving and processing of Canadian returns.